Monthly Archives: November 2011

Dermatology Services Rising


A recent study by IBSWorld predicts and increase in the demand for a dermatologist's services in the next five years. Knoxville is certainly underserved by dermatologists (we don't have enough dermatologists!). However, we have seen a number of dermatologists move to Knoxville over the past few years. Hopefully patients won't have to wait as long [...]

Dermatology Services Rising2011-11-25T23:42:52-05:00

Cosmetic Procedures Performed by Unqualified Physicians May Be Unsafe


In a recent article, USA Today reported that "a soaring number of doctors who trained in other medical specialties" are turning to "the more lucrative field of cosmetic surgery. Because state laws governing office-based surgeries often are lax, levels of training vary so widely that some doctors are performing cosmetic procedures after only a weekend observing other doctors." [...]

Cosmetic Procedures Performed by Unqualified Physicians May Be Unsafe2011-11-24T23:47:00-05:00

Turning to the Internet for Teen Acne


Technology-savvy teens with acne used their medicines more often when they also took part in an internet-based communication, a study from dermatologists at Wake Forest shows.The study is published in the October issue of Archives of Dermatology. For this investigator-blinded, randomized, prospective study, Steve Feldman, MD, a dermatologist, and colleagues enlisted 20 male and female participants, aged 13 [...]

Turning to the Internet for Teen Acne2011-11-24T23:45:09-05:00