An interesting new study shows us that strengthening facial muscles through a series of facial exercises can actually make the face look years younger. 

The study was published in JAMA Dermatology, but was performed by dermatologists at Northwestern University. “We became aware that there were all of these commercial programs — DVDs, instructional videos, even personal trainers — that purported to be able to help people exercise their faces in ways that would make them be happier, healthier, and maybe look younger,” says Dr. Murad Alam, the vice chairman of dermatology at Northwestern University, who led the new study. “But we were not aware of any scientific proof that these programs could be effective,” he adds.

The study consisted of 27 women between the ages of 40 and 65 who performed 30 minutes of facial exercising or “facial yoga”, After 20 weeks saw significant improvements in the fullness of the women’s cheeks!

Read the Full Article here.