What does Fraxel treat?


Regardless of the level of sun damage you have, or if you just want prevention and maintenance, there’s a Fraxel treatment for you. In short, Fraxel treatment creates smoother, fresher, healthier and younger-looking skin…improved tone, texture and pore size… and the softening of wrinkles and lines. The Fraxel re:store Dual laser system is specifically designed [...]

What does Fraxel treat?2017-10-17T18:27:53-04:00

How does Fraxel treatment work?


Think of your skin as a digital photo that is delicately touched up one spot at a time. Fraxel treatment, likewise, affects a fraction of tissue at a time with thousands of microscopic laser columns – each just one-tenth the diameter of a hair follicle. Then your body takes care of the rest. The laser [...]

How does Fraxel treatment work?2017-10-17T18:27:00-04:00

Who is Fraxel for?


No matter your age, sex or skin color, Fraxel laser treatment can uncover your youthful skin buried within. For men and women of all ages. Whether you’re in your 30s and just starting to see wrinkles…or in your 60s or older with deeper lines and loose skin; or somewhere in between…The Fraxel family of treatments [...]

Who is Fraxel for?2017-10-17T18:28:04-04:00

Is Fraxel treatment Safe?


Fraxel laser treatment removes years from the skin’s appearance – without the same degree of risks and side effects commonly associated with other procedures. That’s because Fraxel’s team of scientists, physicians, clinicians and engineers are dedicated to developing safe, effective solutions for rejuvenating your skin. The Fraxel track record speaks for itself: Excellent safety record [...]

Is Fraxel treatment Safe?2017-07-19T20:43:35-04:00

How long is my downtime after I receive a Fraxel treatment?


After the procedure, you will have some degree of redness, swelling or a sunburn sensation, which are sings that your body’s natural healing process is building new skin from the inside out. You can return to routine activities in as little as one hour or, for more aggressive treatments, as soon as a few days. [...]

How long is my downtime after I receive a Fraxel treatment?2017-10-17T18:22:18-04:00

What is the difference between Fraxel and Fraxel Dual?


The Fraxel® Dual is a combination of the previous 1550nm wavelength laser and the newer 1927nm wavelength laser, which only the Dual laser has. With the older Fraxel®, 4 treatments were recommended, now the same correction with the Dual can usually be done in only 3 treatments, which means less time to achieve your desired [...]

What is the difference between Fraxel and Fraxel Dual?2017-10-17T18:25:51-04:00